Mitosol Website Update

I completed a major update to the Mitosol website using a custom WordPress theme built on the .

Custom WordPress Theme built for Mitosol website
Design standards required a custom wordpress theme built on the Genesis Framework.

Background – A Good Start

Mitosol’s previous site was built for discoverability. Mitosol is a drug that serves a very specific market. We needed to make sure that when people searched for the important terms Mitosol would turn up at the top of the search rankings.

A three pronged approach of quality content, structured data and search console management provided results. Mitosol climbed the rankings for multiple words and terms, which helped potential clients learn about the benefits of the product. Mitosol also gained a few featured snippets.

Improving the User Experience

The updated Mitosol website consolidated several informative pages into one single page in order to create a better user experience, as well as showing how all the benefits worked together to create a great product.

Additionally the entire site was streamlined for users, making it easy to contact Mitosol reps for product pricing, help, demonstrations or other questions.

Finally, some technical issues were resolved to speed up the site.

Mitosol website update

An Incredible Industry Resource

Mobius Therapeutics, Mitosol’s parent company, developed a thorough USP<800> Guide to help healthcare workers implementing standards for safe handling of hazardous drugs to minimize the risk of exposure to personnel, patients and environment.

The USP <800> Guide was offered in exchange for email registrations. We implemented a MailChimp application to handle the email audience to ensure the addresses were collected according to current standards.

It was a huge success. In my opinion, the guide was extremely valuable to the target audience and we ran the campaign in a timely manner.

Mitosol Website Update Results

The new version of the website has been live for 3 months. Despite the Covid-19 pandemic traffic has slightly increased.

  • Bounce rate has improved to 61% down from 68%, which I consider a big success.
  • Visits to the Contact page has increased 3%.
  • The email list has almost 600 quality members, with only 6 unsubscribes.
  • Average Click Through Rate for entire site improved 4% according to Google Analytics.
  • “Mitosol Video” term improved to the top spot on Google.

By Doug Harper

I make WordPress websites and offer Web-hosting for small business. Follow me: Twitter